This fruitcake has solved a problem that was looming up for Xmas.
Our family likes Xmas cake... English version. I think the children like the icing more than the cake but it is the tradition that counts.
So what to do about it in GF terms. Well, try some fruit cakes to see what will work best.
First I tried a Dundee cake substituting GF flour (Potato Starch, tapioca starch and Rice flour)
Unfortunately it turned out "Tolerable" but too dry for my liking.
Jan had the answer... she suggested using a boiled fruit recipe instead and what this actually meant chemically is that there were all the same molecules in the cake with 8fl oz of H2O molecules as well. This couldn't be better.... I don't think she will mind me posting her recipe as she is just like that! -generous to a fault, if such a condition is possible.
Jan's School Fruit Cake
4 oz butter
12 oz dried fruit
2 tsp mixed spice
1/2 tsp bicarb of soda
7 oz brown sugar (the darker the better I think, oh, and I used less)
8 fl oz boiling water
Boil all these ingredients for 5 minutes (of course I boiled it for longer - being the forgetful type)
Cool for 5 mins (or longer!)
9 oz flour *
pinch salt
3/4 tsp Xanthan gum (which I have learnt is the outer cell wall of some organism or other so really a vegan shouldn't be using it at all!)
2 eggs
1 tsp baking powder
Mix all the dry ingredients together very well, as is normal for GF cooking
Then mix in all the above ingredients into the wet ones
*the Flour mix that I use is in the ratio of 3:2 :1 Brown rice flour, Potato starch, Tapioca Starch
Mmm, this sounds wonderful! Yum =D.