Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Aliya's birthday tea.

"I like it, I really like it... " or something like that was what Al said when she tasted the cake. Dan had a second piece - the rest of us held back! Dan is 17 and you know how much 17 year old lads can eat. It was a nice addition to Al's special birthday tea of sweet corn, lemon grass and coconut soup, followed by rice wraps... fairly healthy I guess. Now bring on the cake!

Monday, January 18, 2010

Aliya's 13

Thank you Lauren. You are making a difference to people's lives in Calgary and around the world.
Aliya was 13 at 6 minutes past midnight this morning. And her cake came from Lauren's blog.
I will try to post what Aliya thought about it.

Monday, January 11, 2010


I managed to photograph the last three before they were eaten. Obviously they are the smallest three!
Just before Aliya was diagnosed I had discovered frozen choux pastry blobs with or without the chocolate filling, frozen in bakery section of Safeway. Aliya loves them. So, although she said to Dr Machida that the only thing she missed was French Bread, I knew there was another secret desire.
This weekend I mastered Gluten Free profiteroles, using only an easy substitute of white rice, tapioca and potato starches for the wheat flour. Not forgetting the Xanthan gum.

I am very happy to have solved GF choux pastry, as another wonderful recipe involves broccoli and mushrooms... a savoury use of choux that is very nice for a dinner party... more on that at a later date.I think choux pastry is a little more sensitive to altitude than anything else I have baked here in Calgary, so a little more experimentation is needed to produce 5star blobs for release to the general public.